
About My Father (2025)

52 min - Documentary - 17 January 2025
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About my father follows the journey of a civil party in the trial of Khmer Rouge cadre, Duch. For several years, Phung-Guth Sunthary had commenced an investigation into the death of her father, imprisoned and executed at the S-21 security center in 1977. Between 1975 and 1979, at least 16,000 people have been tortured and executed in this secret prison run by the accused. Through the eyes of Sunthary, the challenges of a major trial of the century are revealed...

Director:  Guillaume Suon
Stars:  Vann Nath​ (Heng Nath) ; Him Houy ; Prâk, Khân ; Phung, Guth Sunthary


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About my father follows the journey of a civil party in the trial of Khmer Rouge cadre, Duch. For several years, Phung-Guth Sunthary had commenced an investigation into the death of her father, imprisoned and executed at the S-21 security center in 1977. Between 1975 and 1979, at least 16,000 people have been tortured and executed in this secret prison run by the accused. Through the eyes of Sunthary, the challenges of a major trial of the century are revealed...

Genres: Documentary


Official Website: 
Country:   Cambodia
Language:  Khmer, French, English
Release Date:  17 January 2025

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Bophana Center, Bophana Production

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 52 min
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