
My School, My Family, My Community (2024)

30 min - Documentary - 27 July 2024
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The students of the Pou Loung primary school find on their desks handy cameras. What to do with them? The young girls and boys are encouraged to wonder about their village, their identity, their traditions, the forest and its animals. Looking for answers, they interview the Bounong community members. How do they picture their future?

Director:  Students of Pou Loung primary school of Mondulkiri


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The students of the Pou Loung primary school find on their desks handy cameras. What to do with them? The young girls and boys are encouraged to wonder about their village, their identity, their traditions, the forest and its animals. Looking for answers, they interview the Bounong community members. How do they picture their future?

Genres: Documentary


Official Website: 
Country:   Cambodia
Language:  Khmer
Release Date:  27 July 2024

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Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 30 min
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