
Avatars old gentleman (1995)

01:05:17 min - Drama - 27 July 1995
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A film directed by King Norodom Sihanouk in 1995 which describes 3 stories that talks about an old man: Story 1 An old man arrested on Non-probation, Story 2: Young woman can not marry an old man, and Story 3: There are three pretty girls make an old man died.

Director:  Norodom, Sihanouk
Writers:  Norodom, Sihanouk
Stars:  : Hok, Leakana ; Chan, Sereireach ; Neary, Rathkunthea ; Keo, Kosal ; Oum, Mannorine


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A film directed by King Norodom Sihanouk in 1995 which describes 3 stories that talks about an old man: Story 1 An old man arrested on Non-probation, Story 2: Young woman can not marry an old man, and Story 3: There are three pretty girls make an old man died.

Genres: Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   Cambodia
Language:  Khmer
Release Date:  27 July 1995

Box Office

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Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 01 min
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