
Angkor Wat Under Siege (1989)

28 min - Documentary - 15 January 1989
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Political, artistic and psychological difficulties hamper a team of Indian archaeologists in their quest to restore the exquisite ancient Cambodian temple as a civil war rages on all sides, and each of 4 warring parties claims the monument as its own.

Director:  Shari Robertson


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Political, artistic and psychological difficulties hamper a team of Indian archaeologists in their quest to restore the exquisite ancient Cambodian temple as a civil war rages on all sides, and each of 4 warring parties claims the monument as its own.

Genres: Documentary


Official Website: 
Country:   USA
Release Date:  15 January 1989

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Ophidian Films

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 28 min
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