
Angels And Demons (2024)

8 min - Documentary - 27 July 2024
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A teenage son traces the journey of his family who escaped Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge genocide. William Chow’s heartfelt tribute to his family’s tenacity is a lesson for all people transcending their past.

Director:  William Chow, Jeff MacIntyre
Writers:  William Chow


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A teenage son traces the journey of his family who escaped Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge genocide. William Chow’s heartfelt tribute to his family’s tenacity is a lesson for all people transcending their past.

Collections: William Chow

Genres: Documentary


Official Website: 
Country:   Cambodia USA
Language:  Khmer, English
Release Date:  27 July 2024

Box Office

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 08 min
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