
The final sleep (2024)

01:20:51 min - Drama - 27 July 2024
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years ago Chaara married sey Har Who one day decided to offer her a mattress ; but unfortunately, he never got to see his believed wife again. twelve year latter a young 18 year old girl friend a red necklace and keeks it; but she keeps on having nightmares since than. could the necklace be linked to chaara's disappearance?

Director:  Purth por
Writers:  Purth por
Stars:  sol sey lea lin, Neang Pur, sveng sochea ta, Teb rindaro Neang chheut, Neang Kroeng


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years ago Chaara married sey Har Who one day decided to offer her a mattress ; but unfortunately, he never got to see his believed wife again. twelve year latter a young 18 year old girl friend a red necklace and keeks it; but she keeps on having nightmares since than. could the necklace be linked to chaara's disappearance?

Collections: Purth por, Cambodian films

Genres: Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   Cambodia
Language:  Khmer
Release Date:  27 July 2024

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Phumpich Films production

Technical Specs

Runtime:  0 h 01 min
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