
Paysans en détresse (1994)

75 min - Drama - 21 January 1994
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Set in 1993 when UN forces come to Cambodia during a time of political upheaval and civil war, this story of jealousy, courage, and betrayal, a classic love triangle with a twist - two Resistance leaders fall in love with the same girl -- becomes one of wider significance, a story of a country and its innocent people caught up in war, their lives disrupted and their love destroyed

Director:  Norodom Sihanouk
Writers:  Norodom Sihanouk
Stars:  Keo Kalyane, Yethara Chhani, Khai Prasith, Tep Rindaro


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Set in 1993 when UN forces come to Cambodia during a time of political upheaval and civil war, this story of jealousy, courage, and betrayal, a classic love triangle with a twist - two Resistance leaders fall in love with the same girl -- becomes one of wider significance, a story of a country and its innocent people caught up in war, their lives disrupted and their love destroyed

Genres: Drama


Official Website: 
Country:   Cambodia
Language:  Khmer
Release Date:  21 January 1994

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Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 15 min
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